Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Cell phones

Cell phones are one of the most common ways for people to communicate with; either by text messaging or calling.  They’re also a way for an abusive partner to track you.  The following are suggestions when you are not feeling safe with your cell phone. 

Ø  It is OK to turn off your phone (you should leave a number for a parent or guardian to reach you).

Ø  Don’t answer calls from “Restricted” or “Unknown Caller.”  Avoid answering calls from numbers you don’t know.  It is easy for your abusive partner to block his or her number or use someone else’s phone.  Remember, if it is important, the caller will leave a message. 

Ø  Pictures taken with a cell phone can easily be shared with others without your control or knowledge.  Remember this when your partner or someone else wants to take a picture of you. Is this a picture you don’t mind other people see? 

Ø  You don’t have to respond to any abusive, harassing or text messages that make you feel uncomfortable.   

Ø  Save the messages you get from your partner or ex either on your phone or write them down.  Log the time and what the message was and keep it in a safe place.

Ø  If the phone calls and text messages continue, you need to tell someone about what is going on.

Ø  A lot of cell phone companies have the option to block incoming calls or text messages.  Check their websites or give the company a call. 

Ø  Change your cell phone setting from “E911 Only” to “Location On.”  This can be found under phone settings in your settings and tools menu.  By changing this, cell phone companies can track your location through cell phone towers if you are missing.  You may have to change your number.  It isn’t fair that this step may be necessary, but it may ensure your safety.  Remember, if you do have to take this step, only give your new number out to people you trust. 

"Cell Phones and Abuse." The Safe Space. Break the Cycle. 26 Feb 2008 http://www.thesafespace.org/pdf/handout-cell-phones-and-abuse.pdf.

Monday, June 6, 2011


I have gotten questions from teens asking if this site is confidential - the answer is that it all depends what you consider confidential.  Anything posted online can be read by anyone else on the internet.  But you do not have to use your real name and I WILL NOT be tracking anyone down to find out who you are.  If you don't want others to read your post, there is a link to email me directly.  You can always do that if you want to.  I know there has not been much activity on this blog yet - but I was hoping to get more blogs and write on the topics you want to know about!
We started this blog to answer questions from teens - but I know adults - especially parents - have questions about teens and their relationships.  Adults are also welcome to post questions if they want.
I look forward to hearing from all of you!